Aaliyah Medina Sodey's profile

Games Development Level 3 - Final Project: Fruitful

Fruitful is a project based around the 5 stages of grief and loss. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The animation/gif presents the cycle that we go through when in bereavement for a person.
Each section of this animation has stages that represent this.
Rotting represents denial, the broken strawberry represents anger, the seed represents bargaining, the strawberry flower represents depression and, the ripe strawberry represents acceptance.
The idea of doing this type of project is from my own personal grief from the deaths of my father, grandmother and dog in June/July 2021. This is what inspired me to look at this subject and explore different imagery that would represent the emotions well for my audience to think and understand what I am presenting.
I used some of my photos I had taken from my research on the strawberry decomposition (flower is not my photo as could not obtain a strawberry plant with flower petals) and clipped the photos on my rough animation I had made beforehand. This made the strawberry appear 3D/realistic and I believe it made my piece more surreal.
The rotting strawberry represents the beginning of grief, the denial. It feels surreal and it can also start making you feel out of place, feeling that the person is still there, its the decline of reason sometimes.
The smashed strawberry represents anger,  you don't understand why they're gone, everything hurts and you don't know what to do. Thinking life is unfair and cruel, all the anger is bottled until you can't handle it anymore.
That is when you move on to bargaining. Trying to rationalise the loss, regretting things that you never got the chance to do with them, feeling like they could come back, meeting them in a next life even. The seed with the blackbird on the side represent bad omens but also protecting the seed as to let the cycle of grief continue.​​​​​​​
The flower shows the beginning of understanding that the person is gone and that the memories with them are there with you. It's longing for the person and being depressed for a long time because they will never come back. Depression leaves slowly like a flowers petals, it takes time for them to fall so the strawberry flower can move on to the next step.
Depression blooms like a flower and as it's petals fall, a beautiful strawberry appears from it. Acceptance is hard to come to but when you eventually get there, things feel lighter and the sadness that the person isn't here anymore becomes more easier. Thinking of them makes you happy, reminiscing on the past and accepting that the memories mean even more than they ever used to be.
For my background I used imagery from Hieronymus Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" triptych as the symbolism of every area with a bright and lush background highly appealed to me and I enjoyed looking deeper at areas of the work to understand the symbolism and metaphors he used, telling a story of lust and sin. I also aimed to tell a story like Bosch did so that's why I feel it was appropriate to use him as an inspiration.
Grief is something that happens to everyone more than once, it's the inescapable trauma for anyone, any age, any country, ethnicity, and more. That is why the animation is a gif, looping again and again. It can also be thought as the cycle of life in some other perspectives.
When viewing my animation/gif, I aim towards all ages and diverse backgrounds as everyone goes through these emotions and I want to make my audience think closely on the metaphors and symbolism in my work. Thinking why I used certain things or what parts mean.
Project dedicated to my beautiful Abuela, my charming father Angel and my cosy Ron.
Rest in love and memories.
If you are struggling through grief, here are some hotlines/helplines (UK). You are never alone in this and someone is always here to listen and help. Stay strong.
Winston's Wish
08088 020 021
Childhood bereavement charity in the UK to support children in grief.

Mind (information)
0300 123 3393
Mind Infoline, PO Box 75225, London, E15 9FS
Infoline provides an information and signposting service.

Mind (legal)
0300 466 6463
Mind Legal line, PO Box 75225, London, E15 9FS
Legal line provides legal information and general advice on mental health related law.

At a Loss
The UK's signposting website for the bereaved. They can help you find bereavement services and counselling. They also have resources on coronavirus pandemic bereavement.

Bereaved through Alcohol and Drugs (BEAD)
Information and support for anyone bereaved through drug or alcohol use.

Blue Cross
Animal charity that helps sick, injured and homeless pets.

Child Bereavement UK
0800 028 8840
Support when a baby or child of any age is dying, or a child is facing bereavement.

The Compassionate Friends
0345 123 2304
Provides support to bereaved families after the death of a child.

Cruse Bereavement Care
0808 808 1677
Information and support after a bereavement.

Dying Matters
Coalition of individual and organisational members across England and Wales, aiming to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.

The Good Grief Trust
Charity run by the bereaved, helping all those suffering grief in the UK. Can help you find reassurance, advice and support. They have a detailed page of coronavirus bereavement advice.

116 123 (freephone)
Samaritans are open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. You can visit some Samaritans branches in person. Samaritans also have a Welsh Language Line on 0808 164 0123.

0808 164 3332
Information and support for anyone affected by the death of a baby.

0800 2600 400
Support for people bereaved by sudden death.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)
0300 111 5065
Emotional and practical support and local groups for anyone bereaved or affected by suicide.

Widowed and Young (WAY)
Offers a peer-to-peer support network to anyone who was aged 50 or under when their partner died.
Games Development Level 3 - Final Project: Fruitful

Games Development Level 3 - Final Project: Fruitful
